Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018

Be brave, have courage, follow your heartlaugh and love!

I've been sending some subtle and not so subtle messages through our selected read alouds the last several library classes. As I've shared before, the power of picture books can transcend, generate deep reflection, and inspire us all to be better versions of ourselves. Jabari Jumps (Cornwall), and Malala: A Brave Girl From Pakistan (Winter) reminded us all to be brave, have courage, and follow your heart each and every day. Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs (Willems) and The Legend of Rock, Paper, Scissors (Daywalt) got us all laughing - an important balance to maintain in one's life. Finally, Duncan Tonatiuh's 2018 Red Clover nominee, The Princess and the Warrior was the perfect culmination to this triumvirate of messages... unconditional LOVE.

It is my hope that learners will carry this mult-week lesson with them each and every day of their lives: Be brave, have courage, follow your heart, laugh, and love.